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Part  1 - Vocabulary Poem. Select a topic for your poem.


Name it

Describe it

Tell where it would be found

Tell more about it

Use Emotion words to tell how you feel about it

Explain why you used the emotion words on line 5




Our national bird

Soaring near mountains and trees

King of the air

Awesome predator

Respected and feared by all

  • Annexation - the action of annexing something, a territory.

  • Archives - accumulation of historical records, or the physical place they are located

  • Endowment Fundfund that finances a portion of the operating or capital requirements of the institution

  • Morrill Act - statutes that allowed for the creation of land-grant colleges

  • Manifest Destiny - Expanding the United States from coast to coast

  • Cash Crop - any crop that is considered easily marketable, as wheat or cotton.

  • Subsistence Crop - self-sufficiency farming in which the farmers focus on growing enough food to feed themselves and their families

  • Cede - To give up

  • Abolitionist - a person who favors the abolition of a practice or institution, esp. capital punishment or (formerly) slavery.

  • Homestead Act - Allowing people to become land owners

  • Negotiate - discussion aimed at reaching an agreement.

  • Joint Resolution - a resolution passed by both houses of Congress which becomes legally binding when signed by the Chief Executive

  • Compromise - an agreement or a settlement of a dispute that is reached by each side making concessions.

  • Expeditures - Money Paid out



Part  2 - Research A Person - Give a brief description and include a picture.  Use this link to help identify your person


  • Edwin W. Moore

  • Jack Coffee Hays

  • Chief Bowles

  • William Goyens

  • Mary Maverick

  • José Antonio Navarro 



Part 3-  Answer the Questions below

1. What is debt

2.Compare the Debt of the United States in 1845 vs. 2016

3. What was the Cordova Rebellion?

4. What was the homestead act?

5. What are RedBacks - Include a picture along with a description

6. Why is Lamar considered the "Father of Texas Education"?

7. Explain the Sante Fe Expedition and why / why not was it successful

8. What happened at the Council House Fight and where was it at?

9. Explain who was involved in the Archives War. (Include a picture of the Statue

located in Austin)

10 Explain Checks and Balances and Republicanism from the Principles of Government

11. Explain the Mier Expedition and how it led to the Black Bean Incident

12. What are some changes from the Constitution of 1836 and 1845

13. What was the Compromise of 1850 and how did it affect Texas?


Part 4 -Create a campaign poster in google doc.for Houston, Lamar or Jones.  

Add Questions within  poster (using prezi or other technology is acceptable, attach link). 


Sam Houston 1836-1838


Moved capital to Houston

U.S. grants Texas official recognition

Houston attempts to improve relations with Native Americans

Financial difficulties


Chose cabinet and built buildings

Texas works for annexation

Negotiates peace treaties, uses Texas Rangers, and builds trading posts

Passed taxes, tariff, and printed paper money 


Mirabeau B. Lamar 1838-1841


Set aside land for public education as there was no public education

Defeats East Texas Cherokees and sends them across Red River

Makes Austin capital

Comanches raid central and west Texas

Santa Fe expedition fails

Continued even larger financial problems

Council House Fight


Encouraged public schools and created an endowment fund for two universities

Sends army to fight Cherokees and drive them out of Texas

Laid out streets and constructed a capitol

Forced Comanches to go to the High Plains

Wanted Texas to be an independent nation

Continues to spend more than revenue and go into more debt 


Sam Houston 1841-1844


Money problems

Problems with Native Americans - Coucil House Fight

Archives War

Regulators and Moderators fight

Mexican and Texan troops engage in military skirmishes


Reduced the size of government, reduced salaries, reduced army, and sold naval ships

Negotiated peace treaties, Texas Rangers, and trading posts

Public documents stayed in Austin

Army sent to end fights Mexican Army sent back to Mexico



Anson Jones 1844-1846


Acts on Houston’s policies

U.S. Congress votes to annex Texas

Texas approves of annexation with U.S.

Texas joins the U.S. on December 29, 1845


Continues to follow Houston’s policies

Texas becomes 28th state of the U.S.

Texas writes the Constitution of 1845

The Texas Republic is no more.







































Bonus Points - Texas College and University

The oldest Junior College in Texas is Blinn Junior College located in Brenham, Texas - 1883

The oldest Private College in Texas is Baylor University - Originally located in Independence - 1845

The oldest State College is Texas A&M located in College Station, Texas - 1876

Requirements: Pick a college located in Texas

1. What are the requirements to get in?

2. Cost to attend? (Use the resident fees)

3. Is it a public, private, junior college?

4. What is the history of your college? (Year established, traditions)

5. Why would you like to attend this college?

6. What is the Morrilll Act?


Bonus Points- Family Tree

-Complete a Family Tree using you, siblings, parents, and grandparents.

-Research on how your family came to Texas

-Research the country that you family is associated.


Free Family Tree Builder




Part  5 - Cultural Groups in Texas

The ways in which people reflect the heritage of their past

Various ethnic groups have shared their traditions and customs-merged to form a new culture,

one that is unmistakably Texan

Enhance everyday life in modern Texas and are as varied as Texans themselves


Pick a Cultural Group located in Texas - Can choose one not on the list

1. What fairs / celebrations do they currently have in Texas

2. Name a city that they settled in Texas

3. Research a person from the cultural group that is associated with in Texas

4. Where is this country? (Map)

5. What type of government does it have?

6. What type of money does it use? (picture)

7. What is the name of the capital?






















































Part 6 -Manifest Destiny Portriat

1. Examine the 2 portraits below, what details can you find?

2. On the first portrait, what do you think is happening?

3. What do you think the lady represents?

4.What is the difference between the light and dark clouds?

5. What do you think the painter wants you to think, notice and feel?

6.  List at least six items that you notice in the first portrait

7. What does this portrait imply about this time period?

8. What do you think is the painter's opinion about westward expansion?




























Part  7- Mexican -American War

Overview: In 1846 the United States went to war with Mexico. Like several wars the United States has fought, this war had its strong supporters and its critics. Compared to the Civil War, which was fought just fifteen years later, the Mexican War sometimes seems small. 


1. What river did Texas and the US believe was the proper border between Mexico and Texas?

2. What river did Mexico believe was the proper border between Texas and Mexico?

3. Imagine that you are a journalist reporting on the Thornton Affair the week after it happened.  Write an article from either a pro-American journalist or a pro-Mexican journalist

4. Read President Polk's message below.  What is he saying?


Nor will it become in a less degree my duty to assert and maintain by all constitutional means the right of the United States to that portion of our territory which lies beyond the Rocky Mountains. Our title to the country of the Oregon is "clear and unquestionable," and already are our people preparing to perfect that title by occupying it with their wives and children. But eighty years ago our population was confined on the west by the ridge of the Alleghenies. Within that period--within the lifetime, I might say, of some of my hearers--our people, increasing to many millions, have filled the eastern valley of the Mississippi, adventurously ascended the Missouri to its headsprings, and are already engaged in establishing the blessings of self-government in valleys of which the rivers flow to the Pacific. The world beholds the peaceful triumphs of the industry of our emigrants. To us belongs the duty of protecting them adequately wherever they may be upon our soil. The jurisdiction of our laws and the benefits of our republican institutions should be extended over them in the distant regions which they have selected for their homes. The increasing facilities of intercourse will easily bring the States, of which the formation in that part of our territory can not be long delayed, within the sphere of our federative Union. In the meantime every obligation imposed by treaty or conventional stipulations should be sacredly respected.


James K Polk Inaugural Address, March 4, 1845


Part 8 - Gadsden Purchase


Click on the link below, read the text, and answer the following questions.

1. What job was given to James Gadsden by President Franklin Pierce?

2. How many square miles of territory did Mexico cede to the United States after the Mexican-American War?



Part 9

Oregon Territory


Click on the link below and watch the video about the Oregon Territory.


What are 3 items that you knew and 3 items that you did not know




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